NATO Related Questions

NATO is located at:

Boulevard Léopold III
1110 Brussels
Map of Brussels 
Access via public transportation (see
  • From BRUSSELS AIRPORT, take bus no. 12 “Brussels City” direction “Bourget”. For your return, take bus no. 12 “Brussels Airport”. (10 minutes)
  • From SCHUMAN (European Union neighbourhood), you can take two buses:
    • Bus no. 12 “Brussels Airport” direction "Bourget" to the NATO HQ South Gate. For your return, take bus no. 12 “Brussels City” direction “Trône”. (30 minutes)
    • Bus no. 21 “MAES” direction "Middelweg" to the NATO HQ North Gate. (40 minutes)
  • From GARE CENTRALE, walk to stop "Trône" and take bus no. 12 “Brussels Airport” direction "Bourget" to the NATO HQ South Gate. For your return, take bus no. 12  “Brussels City” direction "Trône". (50 minutes)
  • From GARE DU MIDI and from GARE DU NORD, Take metro no. 6 "Elisabeth" direction “Elisabeth”, walk to stop "Trône" and take bus no. 12 Brussels Airport” direction "Bourget" to the NATO HQ South Gate. For your return, take bus no. 12  “Brussels City” direction "Trône" ans tale metro no. 2 "Simonis" direction "Simonis" (50 minutes).

Access by car
  • For directions, you might try Google Maps or Waze Live Map.
  • Please be aware that you will have to park outside NATO HQ and that there is only limited parking space available in NATO´s proximity.
  • ​​In order to enter NATO HQ premises, you must have a valid pass.
  • Please contact the security officer of your national delegation at NATO HQ at least one week in advance to go through the necessary formalities. If you come from a European Union institution, please check with your organization's security officer whether he can take care of this on the basis of a special security agreement with NATO, otherwise contact your national delegation at the HQ.
  • You must show your ID at the HQ entrance and will receive a pass in exchange.
  • Please be aware that the International Staff is not responsible for the delivery of your pass.
  • Tel : +32.2.707 2780
    Fax: +32.2.707 2783
    Tel : +32.2.707 6072
    Fax: +32.2.707 6090
    Tel : +32.2.707 2903
    Fax: +32.2.707 2832
    Tel : +32.2.707 7117
    Fax: +32.2.707 7129
    Tel : +32.2.707 2463
    Fax: +32.2.707 2462
    Tel : +32.2.707.1138
    Fax: +32.2.707.1703
    Tel : +32.2.707.6134
    Fax: +32.2.707.6115
    Tel : +32.2.707 9595
    Fax: +32.2.707 9590
    Tel : +32.2.706 2111
    Fax: +32.2.706 2142
    Tel : +32.2.727.7454
    Fax: +32.2.727.7426
    Tel : +32.2.727.7666
    Fax: +32.2.726.4948
    Tel : +32.2.707.6707
    Fax: +32.2.726.8030
    Tel : +32.2.707.1750
    Fax: +32.2.707.1763
    Tel : +32.2.707 5090
    Fax: +32.2.707 4531
    Tel : +32.2.707.6220
    Fax: +32.2.707.6259
    Tel : +32.2.707 2037
    Fax: +32.2.707 2889
    Tel : +32.2.707 2849
    Fax: +32.2.707 2850
    Tel : +32.2.707.3842
    Fax: +32.2.726.8900
    Tel : +32.2.707.1069

    Tel : +32.2.707.6611
    Fax: +32.2.726.7081
    ​​​​North Macedonia Delegation
    Tel : +32.2.707.2762
    Fax: +32.2.726.2757
    Tel : +32.2.707.6311
    Fax: +32.2.726.5630
    Tel : +32.2.707.1488
    Fax: +32.2.728.6359
    Tel : +32.2.707.6409
    Fax: +32.2.707.6427
    Tel : +32.2.707 9648
    Fax: +32.2.707 9602
    Tel : +32.2.372 0359
    Fax: +32.2.374 3117
    Tel : +32.2.707 2418
    Fax: +32.2.707 2742
    Tel : +32.2.707 2769
    Fax: +32.2.707 2766
    Tel : +32.2.707.6559
    Fax: +32.2.726.4740
    Tel : +32.2.289 5801
    Fax: +32.2.289 5781
    Tel : +32.2.707.6822
    Fax: +32.2.707.6833
    Tel : +32.2.707 2724
    Fax: +32.2.707 2728
    Tel : +32.2.707.7501
    Fax: +32.2.707.7596
    Tel : +32.2.724.3215
    Fax: +32.2.724.3403
    ​The website provides further information on NATO Committees and Working Groups.
  • You might find the following websites helpful:

  • Military personnel may contact:

  • Club Prince Albert
    Rue Petit Carmes 20
    1000 Bruxelles

  • For restaurants, try

  • Please note that the International Staff is not responsible for making your reservation

  • DI Portal Related Questions

    If you are entering the DI Portal for the first time, you will be required to register in order to gain access. You will be asked to complete a user registration form which will be either approved or disapproved by the Administrator(s) of the Sub-Site(s) you are requesting access to. With the registration form, you will be able to specify which sites you wish to join, as well as your level of participation (for example, "member" or "only interested in the information").

    Note : You must possess a valid email address from a known government body or private company (i.e.,,,, etc ....) in order to register for access to the DI Portal. You will be required to enter that address when completing the registration form. Personal email addresses from known social networking providers are not valid for registration (i.e.,,, etc ...).

    1/ Click on the Register Yourself link

    2/ Fill in the "Registration User From"

    click here for more details.
    The DI Portal URL is

    1/ Click on the Sign in link (top right corner) to open the DI Portal Login Page. From this page, enter your username and password in the login box and click on Sign in button.

    2/ After you sign in, a "User Info" box will appear indicating your last login date and your password's expiration date.

    3/ You have now access to click on a Sub-Site's tab in the top links bar in order to consult a Sub-Site and its subsequent COI pages.

    ​NOTE: Using this function does not perform a recovery of your current password but an automatic generation of a new one.
    1/ From the DI Portal Login Page, click on Click here if you forgot your password. You will be redirected to the DI Portal Password Recovery Form.​
    2/ Type your username generated during your registration and enter the captcha value. Click on Next.
    3/ Enter your secret answer when prompted by the system with the question you selected during your registration and the captcha value.
    NOTE: The answer is case sensitive and needs to be entered exactly how you submitted it during your registration. Click on Submit.
    4/ You will receive a confirmation page that your password was reset. An email will be sent to your address with the newly generated password.

    5/ Use the password in the email you received to sign in to the DI Portal. Once you are authenticated, you can change your password in your user account settings.
    In this option, you can manage your personal data you entered during your registation, such as your email address, telephone number, work address, etc.

    1/ Click on [your username] on the top right corner and select Manage your Personal Data. You will be redirected to the "My Personnal Data Management Form".​

    2/ Update your personal data that you need to modify.

    3/ Once you have made your changes, click on ​Save button at the bottom right of your screen and your changes will be saved.
    NOTE: your can remove your profile yourself by clicking on the Remove Profile button.
    This menu option allows you to manage alerts you have created for various sub-sites or COI to be notified when documents, events or discussions are uploaded/started on the DI Portal.

    1/ Navigate to the sub-site or COI where you wish to create an alert.​

    2/ Click on [your username] and select Manage your Alerts. You will be redirected to your list of active alerts for the current sub-site.​​
    3/ Click on Add Alert

    4/ Choose an element to be alerted of when items are added, changed or removed. Click on Next.
    5/ Use the alert creation form to:
              a. give your alert a title
              b. specify the type of changes you wishes to be alerted to
              c. specify the frequency of the alert

    6/ Click on OK. The alert will be displayed in your list of active alerts under your user account profile. You will also receive an email notification.
    NOTE: After the alert is displayed in your list of active alerts, you can Edit or Delete it.
    ​This menu option allows you to manage your participation to the Community of Interest your requested to join during your registration. You can either end your participation, edit your level of participation within the COI(s) or request to participate to additional COIs.

    1/ Click on [your username] and select Manage your Communities of Interest. You will be directed to the Personal COIs Management Form.
    2/ Even COIs for which you are requesting to participate and for which you are already participating will appear in this form.

    Click on Request button.

    3/ Click on the Select COI button in the menu that appears in the right,
    Select the name of the COI you wish add on the COI selection Page,

    and choose your Position in the dropdown menu.

    4​/ Click on Save at the bottom of the menu in order to send your request to that COI's Administrator. You will receive an email confirming your successful request.

    : You can end your participation to a COI​​. For this, select a COI that your participate in and click on Remove. You should be member from at least one COI.
    ​This menu option allows you to reset your password at any time. The steps detailed in this section make up the same process for renewing your password on the date of its expiration.
    1/ Click on [your username] and select Change your Password. You will be directed to the DI Portal Password Reset Form.

    ​​2/ Type your current password and type your new password in both fiels by following the security rule : Minimum 9 ch​aracters of which at least 1 number character, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 special character (like *+-%). And type the captcha value. Click on Submit.

    3/ You will receive a confirmation that your password was changed successfully. You will also receive an email with your new password inside it.

    NOTE: you can also change your Password Question and Pasword Question Answer which be used during the password recovery process.

    A search starts at the top right of the screen. If you type a single word (e.g. conference) the system looks for that word in the filename, content or metadata of all files (Office documents or PDF) that you have permissions to access.

    If you type multiple words (e.g. conference september) the system will find items where any of the words occur, ranking those that contain more than one of the words higher.
    By default, the system will search in your COI Site, including all sub-sites, except if you search from the DI Portal main page.
    The "DI Shared Calendar", accessible through the top links bar, is a collective view displaying all events for the entire DI Portal. Any event inserted in the calendar of a Sub-Site or its COIs will appear here. As a simple user with only Read access, you only have the privilege to view events in the Calendars of the COIs you have access to.

    The page defaults to a monthly view which you can change to a daily or weekly view by clicking on the calendar icons in the top right corner.

    To add an event in your Outlook Calendar
    ​Click on an event name to be redirected to that event's details page.

    Click on Alert Me button to setup an alert and ​to receive notifications if the event was modified.

    Click on Custom Commands in the top ribbon, then click on Export Event button,

    ​​You will receive a notification, click on Open file

    ​Click on Save & Close to add the event inside your Outlook Calendar.

    Each Community of Interest within a Sub-Site is equipped with a “Discussion Board” accessible through the left navigation menu.
    To access a COI’s discussion board, navigate to that COI’s Home page and click on Discussion Board.
    You will be directed to a list of active discussions for that COI.

    Click on Add new discussion to start a new discussion.
    Fill in the "Subject" field to give your discussion topic a title

    and type in the "Body" field to include a message.​​

    ​When you start to type a "Body" you will have a new menu in the top ribbon which enable Rich Text features in the FORMAT TEXT​ tab. ​If you wish to attach a document in the discussion, click on the INSERT tab.

    To post a reply to an existing discussion, click on the discussion topic in the list of discussions.
    Then, click on Reply to the right of the message.