

The NATO Industrial Advisory Group (NIAG) is a high-level consultative and advisory body of senior industrialists of NATO member countries, acting under the  Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD), with the aims of:  
  • Providing a forum for free exchange of views on industrial, technical, economic, management and other relevant aspects of research, development and production of armament equipment within the Alliance; based on current and updated information provided by relevant NATO bodies;
  • Providing industry's advice to the CNAD on how to foster government-to-industry and industry-to-industry armaments co-operation within the Alliance;
  • Providing optimal use of NIAG resources to assist Main Armaments Groups, and their subordinate bodies, in exploring opportunities for international collaboration, and seeking timely and efficient ways to satisfy NATO military requirements.   

Additional Information for Businesses and Industry

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(North Atlantic Council)
(Conference of National Armaments Directors)
(NATO Industrial Advisory Group)

Mr. Ron Nulkes

​Ms Tuija Karanko and Mr Horia-Razvan Botis

NIAG Co-ordinator

Mr. Jean-Sebastien Vautier

NIAG Secretary

Ms. Manon Rose ​Garbies​

Industry Relations Co-ordinator

Mr. Liviu Lazar​