
WELCOME to the Defence Investment Division Portal !


The aim of this portal is to give members of the Armaments community 
access to all committees under the umbrella of the Defence Investment Division, using a single point of entry. The portal facilitates communication and collaboration among users and stakeholders, both internal and external to NATO HQ.

The portal provides access to a wealth of information, and will continually be improved and expanded.  

  • The portal contains only NATO UNCLASSIFIED documentation, accessible based on the user's Communities of Interest, level of clearance and need-to-know.
  • Each sub-site offers functionalities such as :
      • discussion forums, distribution lists and event calendars;
      • real-time notification of updates, events and replies;
      • key-word and free text search engine;
      • and much more.

Please note that user documentation is available in the FAQ page (FAQ), but should you require further assistance, feel free to contact your sub-site administrator in the contact page (Contact).

Portals are at their successful when used to their full extent and capability. It requires the users' dedication and continuous input to make a difference, so please use this opportunity to help build a strong community of interest, for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Defence Investment Division focuses on the development of military capabilities and oversees investment in NATO common-funded assets, thereby ensuring that forces assigned to the Alliance are properly equipped and interoperable to undertake the full range of military missions.

It provides policy, technical, financial and procedural expertise relating to armaments and aerospace capabilities. The Division also plays a significant role in developing co-operation with partner countries in the context of Partnership for Peace, Mediterranean Dialogue, Contact Countries and the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative. 

The Division consists of two directorates: Strategy Directorate (STR) and Armament & Aerospace Capabilities Directorate (A&ACAP) and includes the International Staff element of the NATO Digital Staff (NDS). 

What do you want to do?


Please note that for all Trouble issues, you must contact your SubSite Administrator directly.  Please describe the issue in as much detail as possible.

Contact information for all subsite Admins can be found here.