
About the AIS Fund​​​​

The AIS is funding Project Proposals that support one or more AIS Fund objective:

  1. Identification of NATO interoperability challenges.

  2. Validation of NATO interoperable solutions.

  3. NATO standardization effort, both to ensure the existing NATO standards relevance and the setting of standards in new areas of potential military advantage.

Additionally, the fund has specific Priority Areas, which are updated and revised each year in line with the areas where standardization activities have the most potential for increasing the NATOs military advantage. Every year the Priority Areas are published within the Call for Proposals.

The AIS fund may be used:

  • ​​in support of interoperability and standardisation activities, such as (but not limited to) experimentation and trials in support of standardization efforts to address interoperability challenges, or the conduct and support of workshops on adoption of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies, or for small scale projects to innovate standardization processes and to explore the potential of new technologies;

  • to fund expert support for specific capability and technological areas, consultant services, conducting events and trials enabling the verification and validation of draft standards, and engagement with Standards Developing Organisations whose development of standards will affect NATO.

Single and Multi-Year project Proposals are eligible for AIS Funding.

​If you are interested in applying for funding, please request access to the protected site where you will find additional resources, the call for proposal, application form and the ability to contact the AIS Fund team for support.