​​​​​​​​​​​High Visibility Projects (HVPs)

Following the conclusion of the Wales Summit, DI decided to apply a more proactive, and politically top-down approach, advocating for the launch and progression of specific multinational capability cooperation initiatives. This approach, resulted in the development of multinational High Visibility Projects, which are high impact project frameworks for multinational cooperation, designed to address the NATO Defence Planning Priorities. The current portfolio holds 14 High Visibility Projects, each addressing one or more key area. 


Active High Visibility Projects with DI portal pages:  

12_CRAM.jpg 7_LBDM.jpg MAWI_picture_jpg.jpg

  C-RAM ​                                                         LBDM​                                                  MAWI​    

3_MBDM.jpg 11_GBAD.jpg 10_NFTE.jpg 

  MBDM​                                                      Modular GBAD​                                        NFTE​




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